Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Are Jake and Taylor for real?

I can't decide if I belive that Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Swift are really dating. The whole thing is just so weird. First of all, they in general seem like an ulikely pairing. I mean, how does he go from dating older more mature women like Reese Witherspoon to a girl who is 9 years younger? That's not a big gap when you are talking adults, but she's 20! She would be a junior in college...still taking her laundry home to mom...going to bars called "The Library" with a fake ID...eating other words YOUNG! I mean her previous boyfriends were ripped from the pages of Bop and Tiger Beat...a Jonas and Taylor Lautner. Also, Taylor has a tendency to air her dirty laundry publicly in her songs, while he seems more private and reserved (probably beacuse he is an adult).

Even the way this is rolling out seems weird. There is nothing about them and then they are in NY together and hanging out in Nashville. Blurry cell phone photos pop up all over the place with witnesses claiming they are acting like a serious couple. Then today we have this:

I mean it's just too perfect really. They act coy about the relationship when asked direct questions but have no problem with hanging all over eachother in public?

Could it be some kind of publicity stunt? I know that was a common hollywood practice back in the old days when Rock Hudson was playing straight, but do people besides Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt do that these days? I hope it's not a publicity stunt, but I also kind of hope it's not real so I don't know what to think.


Emily said...

I do not like them together, but I also didn't like him with Reese. I wish he would just consult me on his dating choices!

E said...

Hmm...I kind of like them together. But then again I too have something for older men so that could just be me being bias.

VA said...

I don't care about the age thing I just really don't like Taylor. I loved him with Reese. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

I read in People magazine that he likes Southern women...I like that.

Sara said...

That was my "anonymous comment" and I couldn't figure out how to add my it now! :)